воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

speak english confidently

Dear Ms X,

Hello, I'm writing this later bicose i have a qesthion. Can you tell me about it more information?

I'd like to know who is my techer? and how many experiense in this tipe of work she\he has?
I'd like to know where is this plase, do ypu have grops lesons and how many people in grop?

Im sorry for you time.

Mis Mary

воскресенье, 6 декабря 2015 г.

a semi-formal email

Dear John Browne,
I read you messageand and I'm writing to enquire about staying at your compsite this summer. Can you please give me some further information?
firstly, i'd like to know about how many people  you have in group How many does it cost? Do you charge extra for ship parking? However your advert doesn't say which water sport for example kite surfing. I like traveling and I am particularly interested in going sea adventure. 
Many thanks in advance for your help.